Saturday, May 2, 2020

Oral Communication and Interpersonal Skills-Samples for Students

Question: Critically lay down a reflection analysis report on Oral communication and Interpersonal skills in Emotional Intelligence, Self-talk and Assertiveness. Answer: Introduction The main concept of this paper is to critically lay down a reflection analysis report on two main topics. That is, oral communication and interpersonal skills in emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness. These two topics forms a scope in business communication that become very significant in enhancing effective communication in business (Daft, 2015 pp. 79-85). In that case, the reflection analysis report will be based on my experience in different aspects of communication in business so as to ensure that businesses undergo growth and development. Oral communication play a very important part in generating ideas in business communication during business transactions and other business platforms. Oral communication Typically, oral communication refers to a process of encoding and decoding messages orally through the word of mouth. In business world, oral communication may be defined as verbal business communication skills that involves expressing information and ideas by word of mouth between business partners, customers, employees and society (Dann Dann, 2004 pp. 9-15). Therefore, this reflective report will relate my experience in oral communication to benefits and different types of oral communication. We also determine how an individual can use oral communication to improve business communication as well as facilitating growth and development in business. To start with, my communication experience has made me understand how business world works. It is very important to realize that great communication skills are very crucial in bringing progress in the academic and business world. Many people experience fear and anxiety when they are requested to speak to a group of audience. Have you ever experienced the same when attending an oral interview and you are required to speak in front of a panel? I believe many people have experience fear and anxiety when they are required to speak in front of an audience. However, knowing when to select oral communication and polishing your ideas and speaking skills can be of great benefit at every stage of your career and business growth and development. An individual with clear business mindset would understand oral communication as the process of transmitting ideas and information verbally from one person to another. For clarity, oral communication can either be formal or informal (Fletcher, 2012 pp. 29-45). However, it must be purely verbal. A business person who wish to understand circumstances to use formal and informal oral communication should understand the different forms of these categories. For instance, there are some individuals who frequently apply informal oral communication so as to perform business transactions. Examples of informal oral communication include: Telephone conversation Face-to-face conversation Discussions that occur at business meetings From the above examples, it is very important to understand instances to use these methods. They may not be applied in similar capacities based on the nature of message to be encoded or decoded (Hausman, 2007 pp. 111-117). Telephone conversation is very appropriate when communicating urgent matters to all stakeholders. It is also appropriate when monitoring business progress from a distance. Then, for the case of face-to-face conversation, individuals should use this method when delegating duties as well as during submission. It is also important to use face-to-face conversation when addressing daily business operations. On the other hand, discussion that occur at business meetings should discuss business policies, strategies, plans, goals and objectives. This is because members need to discuss matters involving the business. Again, through this discussion, members are in a position to make viable decisions and judgments. The other type of oral communication to be reflected is formal oral communication. Examples of oral communication that can be integrated in business include: Presentation at business meetings Classroom lectures Commencement speeches given at a graduation ceremony For this case, we may consider presentation at business meetings. Members need to be updated on business trends in growth and development (Hitt, 2014 pp. 119-125). This can be done through presentations on business trends so as to offer a clear path for reflection by members. Business budgets are also presented orally so as to clarify matters indicated in the written budget. Importance of oral communication From my experience, I realized that oral communication has a lot of benefits towards passing information and ideas in communication in business. First, through telephone conversation, business members are able to communicate effectively and efficiently on matters affecting the business. Again, telephone conversations are integrated with mobile technology that is highly applicable in business world. Money transfer has been enabled through mobile technology that incorporate telephone conservation (Holmes, Hughes, Mair Carlsen, 2015 pp. 7-25). Can business communication run smoothly without telephone conversation? I tend to believe oral communication form the most concrete part to support business growth and development. Moreover, discussions that occur as business meeting are very significant to business growth and development. Decision making process is initiated through such meeting. In that connection, business entity is in a position to discuss policies, strategies, plans, goals and objectives so as to propel the business to greater heights. Oral communication is more persuasive in nature than written communication through tonal variations that can be interpreted in different ways (Marshall, 2013 pp. 69-85). It also for a basis of instant feedbacks that may be required in business transactions. However, individuals with low self-esteem may face difficulties when using oral communication in business. It also disadvantage people with hearing and speaking disabilities. Interpersonal Skills: emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness This is another topic whose contribution in business world cannot be under estimated. Emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness are connected to personal perception of communication towards business growth and development. These concepts are very important in human communication. Their contribution in business communication may result to remarkable positive changes in business world (Krugman, Obstfeld Melitz, 2012 pp. 113-123). Typically, emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to recognize and use emotions. For that matter, emotions may be either positive or negative depending on the motive of an individual and the nature of information under consideration. There is a correlation between emotional intelligence and emotional competency. Emotional competency is defined as personal and social skills that lead to superior performance in the world of work in terms of career development and business growth. If we integrate emotional intelligence with emotional co mpetency, we realize that there are several emotional competencies that can be applied to initiate self-talk and assertiveness. They include: Emotional awareness Self-control Achievement drive Understanding others These competencies contribute a lot on the level of assertiveness expounded by a particular individual. This concept is based on application of emotional information in order to facilitate critical thinking and behaviors. In addition, it relates to management as well as adjustment of emotions in order to develop an adaption necessary to surround as well as achieve goals and objectives. In this paper, the reflection on conceptualization and descriptive evidence clearly provide support to emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness and their contributions to business communication. In that connection, self-talk involves act of talking to oneself mentally, loudly or silently. Typically, self-talks can either be positive or negative (Thomas, 2009 pp. 67-82). This is an interpersonal skill in business communication. In this reflective report, emotional intelligence is integrated with ability to mitigate logical problems through intelligence quotient. Importance of emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness These intelligence skills are very significant in business communication. In that connection, business minded persons must understand the basic principles applied in these skills. Capability to apply emotional intelligence in making decisions is very crucial. Hence, in order to enhance assertiveness and emotional intelligence, different business entities provide coaching and training programs. This facilitates individuals in making viable decisions in business communication. They are made to understand that emotional intelligence is not always inborn (Reece and Walker, 2007 pp. 179-185). It can be initiated and developed via training of individuals. In addition, if we consider self-talks and assertiveness in business communication, business oriented people are in a position to initiative positive self-talk process. This process facilitate them to generate policies, strategies, plans, goals, objectives, ideas and opinions (Dann Dann, 2007 pp. 179-185). If I integrate these concepts with my business and work experience, then I concur with assertion that ideas are purely developed through emotional intelligence. In that case, business people are required to apply assertiveness, emotional intelligence and self-talks as their intellectual skills to make viable decisions. There are some business communication that require personal assertiveness and emotional intelligence rather than using oral communication process that may be exposed to some limiting factors. In conclusion, the moment individuals realize that business communication is a process, then they will use all available resources to collect data and information regarding the intellectual skills of emotional intelligence, assertiveness and self-talks. It is equally important to relate these issues with personal experience so as to facilitate a better process in future. Information is power and it keep in changing day in day out (Ryan Deci, 2017 pp. 93-112). Therefore, individuals need to use all communication channels to gather necessary information relevant to business world. It is also important to be assertive to ideas and opinions provided via heighted examples of oral communication. Business communication is very significant and individuals need to understand how oral communication, emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness contribute to business growth and career development (Thomas, 2009 pp. 67-82). From my reflection and personal point of view, my thinking change s in terms of business communication after reflecting contributions provided by oral communication, emotional intelligence, assertiveness and self-talks References Daft, R.L. (2015) Management. South Western College Pub. Pp. 79-85. Dann, S., Dann, S. (2004)Strategic Internet Marketing. Brisbane: John Wiley Sons. Pp. 9-15. Dann, S., Dann, S. (2007) Competitive marketing strategy. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education. Pp. 179-185. Fletcher, F. (2012) Business Problem Solving. Routledge. Pp. 29-45. Hausman, D. M. (Ed.). (2007) The philosophy of economics: An anthology. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 111-117. Hitt, M.A. (2014) Strategic Management: Concept, Competitiveness and Globalization. South-Western College Pub. Pp. 119-125. Holmes, K, Hughes, M, Mair, J Carlsen, J. (2015) Events and sustainability.1st edition. Abingdon: Routledge. Pp. 7-25. Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. J. (2012) International economics: Theory policy. 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education. Pp. 113-123. Marshall, B. (2013) Accounting Information Systems. Australian edition. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia. Pp. 69-85. Reece, I. and Walker, S. (2007) Teaching, training learning: a practical guide. 6th ed. London: Business Education Publishers Limited. Pp. 179-185. Ryan, R.M., Deci, EL. (2017) Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Need in Motivation, development and Wellness. The Guilford press. Pp. 93-112. Thomas, K.W. (2009) Intrinsic Motivation: What Really Drives Employees Engagement. Berret-Koehler publishers. Pp. 67-82.

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